MEETING IN POLAND 25-29.04.2023
The Salesian High School in Wrocław hosts six European schools from Hungary, Spain, France, Italy and Cyprus. During the meeting summarizing the project „Forests as European Natural Heritage”, the participants were welcomed by the school principal. They listened to a concert of the school orchestra. Partner schools presented films presenting 3 years of work on the project. Teachers exchanged experiences in the implementation of the project and spent time on integration. In the afternoon, a meeting with the Mayor of the City of Wrocław, Jacek Sutryk, is planned at the town hall.
Our guests got to know the nature and geological structures of the Stołowe Mountains. They climbed Szczeliniec. The mountain turned out to be unusual because of the current snow. The forests of the Stołowe Mountains are dominated by spruce monocultures introduced here by man, which replaced the previously cut deciduous and mixed lower montane forests. Riparian forests are the least represented. Lower montane deciduous forests have been preserved only in small areas in hard-to-reach areas. For many years, artificial spruce stands have been reconstructed into a forest similar in species composition to natural stands of the lower montane forest. Mainly beeches, firs and sycamores are planted.
Students and teachers were also taken to Książ Castle, surrounded by forests, where the participants were taken for a walk.
Erasmus+ in Radio Wrocław