Forests as European natural heritage
Interdisciplinary project combining Biology, Genetics, Geography, Environmental Science, Language and Arts.

Main aims of project is promote the efficient use of forest resources, protection and conservation of flora and fauna of forests.

About Project
Seeds without borders – Forests as European natural heritage. It is project carried out by students and teachers from European countries: Poland, France, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy and Spain from 2020-2022. It is an interdisciplinary project combining Biology, Genetics, Geography, Environmental Science, Language, Arts.
The project will make a major contribution to informal and formal forest education by sharing scientific, cultural knowledge, skills and values with students and teachers. By the project students and teachers be aware of impotance of forests protection becasue of their values. The project will serve for students providing outdoor laboratories for formal, traditional education and research. Thanks to the forest education more and more students will be aware of multiple benefits of sustainable forest management, environment protection and reasonable forest use.
Students will shape key competences. They will be able to use new digital technologies, internet application. Students and teachers will get new skills of using new applications.

Students will shape key competences:
Be able to communicate and decode meanings in a foreign language. Students and teachers will motivate to became more fluent in English and increase level of the language.
They will develop mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology. to undestand processes in forests. They will use mathematical ways of thinking and present formulas, models, constructs, charts, tables in presentations about forests. tudents will develop their investigative skills in looking for clues of past forest use.
Be able to use digital technologies Student will use data to analysis state of forests and use Internet application to show their power poin presentations,prezi or other. They will make digital maps and poster, booklets, leaflet using new technologies and Internet, mobile applications. Teachers will gain skills of web page making.
Show initiative to assimilate new knowledge, and to advance skill levels towards professional level. The project participants will get knowledge about genetic techniques of seed storage, identification, forest ecosystem, forest invaders, monitoring forest health.
Promotion of European citizenship . All participans will respect other culture and way of thinking. They will be aware of cultural diversity and the cultural heritage in natural, national parks.

A joint celebration of students, parents and the local community